
Most Important: Stay Home if you are not feeling well or showing any signs of sickness.
Parents/Guardians with Little Ones may wait in the lobby during classes
Parents may drop off/pick up with older children (please arrive back in the lobby for pick up)
Please bring a water bottle with water only for the Gym Room
Cleaning Routine: All equipment will be sanitized before classes (during if needed)
All bathrooms, floors, carpets, cubbies, counter tops, etc. will be disinfected regularly.
Thank you for your cooperation & we are looking forward to a great season!
Tuition Policy
Tumble Zone’s tuition for our season is from September-June and is paid over a 10-month season. There is NO payment in June.
Tumble Zone will be holding an Annual Gym Day at the End of Season. This day is optional and will be an additional cost if you would like to participate. Children will be able to showcase their skills for parents. Sign-ups with available times will be posted for Registration before the Season Ends
*Tumble Zone strongly encourages that your child is committed through the season.
*At the End of our Sept-June Season all independent classes will receive their Gymnastics or Cheer Medal*
CONDUCT: For the Safety of your child, all parents/caretakers are responsible for their child at all times is the lobby & in the Gym room if parents are present (Parent/Child Classes & Birthday Parties). This rule applies to all services offered at Tumble Zone. Parents/caretakers are responsible for the safety of your child at all times. No running, horse play, standing on furniture is permitted. Tumble Zone staff is not responsible for your child in the Lobby. No Socks, Shoes, Food, or flavored drinks in the Gym Room. Gum is never permitted in the facility!
Make-up Policy
Class Tuition is based on the total number of classes per year, broken down into 10 monthly payments (holidays & snow days included in the price.
Classes are pro-rated for late registrations
Refunds & Missed Classes
There are No deductions or refunds for missed classes, snow days or personal vacations.
Make-up classes are on your discretion and not guaranteed as space is limited in classes. Make-up classes must be register in advance.
*Tumble Zone is not responsible of keeping track of missed classes.
Late Fee
There is a $5 late fee that will automatically be debited to your credit card for declined credit card payments.
There will be a $25.00 fee charged to anyone whose check is returned to Tumble Zone by the bank.
*Make-ups are Not permitted after cancellations. Classes can only be made up while you are enrolled and Must be completed within 3 WEEKS after missed class/Limit make up classes to 1 to 2 make-ups per mth.
Lost Items:
Tumble Zone is not responsible for any lost items.
Thank you for commitment to Tumble Zone!